Monday, December 31, 2012

2-0-1-3 New Year's Eve

Too bad, I wasn't able to take good shots of the fireworks. :(  Gotta be doing better next year. Practice, practice!
Sorry Santa, we can't be quiet welcoming the year
Here she is, Jewel, guarding waffle. Hmmm

Aww Tweety was so scared with the loud bangs of firecrackers
The traditional fruits for luck

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Divine Mercy

We attended an Anticipated Mass one Saturday evening at Divine Mercy, Marilao, Bulacan

Friday, December 28, 2012

12.28.12 Adventure: Cliffhouse

Sixth Stop: Cliffhouse (Fruits in Ice Cream and Mochiko's Mochi)

The sixth stop was at Cliffhouse. The original plan was coffee at Starbucks and dessert at Bag of Beans, but since boyfriend wanted the Taal Lake view for chilling and relaxing after a tiring day, we went for the Cliffhouse instead. Still a good choice though. We had Banoffee Ice Cream at Fruits in Ice Cream and an i-don’t-know-some-kind-of-vanilla-with-red-beans-flavor from Mochiko’s Mochi. It was both our first time to try Mochi Ice Cream. So many firsts this day, huh? :)

And last stop was UST. Too bad we were a bit late for the Christmas Lights. Restaurants and Food Chains around the area were closed too as people on UST were on Christmas Vacation. I was also waiting for the right time to pop my surprise slash Christmas gift for him. The day was about to end but the purpose of us dating that day was still undone. We even had witnessed two fireworks display that night, the stars were signaling me to give it to him, but rats in my heart prevented me to do so.  Until then, the driver who fetched me came. And there, before I rode our car, I confessed my love for him. I don’t even know if he heard it but I confirmed it after. I was too chicken to shout it out loud in front of him. Too bad, I gave it in the most unromantic way, but I was glad I made him so happy. It was after all the best gift I can give him. :)

12.28.12 Adventure: Don Bosco Batulao

Fifth Stop: Don Bosco Batulao

Boyfriend and I were too tired after visiting Caleruega and basked under the scorching sun, that's why we lacked energy to explore the area more. We just passed by the Chapel on the Hill and took a sight of it and then we're done. As for me, if we will be given the chance to be back here, I would want to explore it more. I know there's more than what we saw. But if not, what we had may be enough, although we were too tired to get and pose for more pictures.

12.28.12 Adventure: Caleruega

 Fourth Stop: Caleruega

I have always wanted to revisit this place again. And my boyfriend, for not having gone here ever since, I wanted him to see Caleruega. I have always wanted it, and luckily this day had come. We visited the famous Transfiguration Chapel and we were able to roam around the vicinity including the Station of the Cross and the Hanging bridge.

If given a chance, I would want to stay here for a while even just for a night. This is one of the best place for relaxing, unwinding, soul searching and having quality time with the Lord.

12.28.12 Adventure: Sonya's Garden

Third stop: Sonya's Garden

Thank goodness for boyfie for introducing me to this place. Everything they serve here are fresh and organic foods. I was hesitant at first to try this for I might not enjoy our lunch date with their leafy menu, but then it's my boyfie's choice so there we were. I never thought I would enjoy it that much. The garden feel of the was really nice and the foods, although there weren't much of menus to choose from, the foods were great. I enjoyed it that much that I can't eat anymore. I was forcing myself to try everything up to the dessert course even though I was already full. Nonetheless, it was really a great experience and worth trying.

By the way, the time we went here, they were serving 3 receptions for wedding, a proof that Sonya's Garden is really popular even though it was a bit remote place.

12.28.12 Adventure: Picnic Grove

Second Stop: Tagaytay Picnic Grove

Yes and here we were for the Taal Volcano view and the zipline. It was both our first time trying that overwhelming zipline. As for us, we tried the lying flat, facing down style, as we thought it's the most challenging zipline experience. And for our second way, we rode the cable car to enjoy the experience of being up there and enjoying the Taal Lake view. Cable car ride lasted a few minutes unlike zipline which happened in just seconds. Both experience were enjoying though. I just felt bad cos we don't have souvenir picture of the cable car ride :(. Aaand, we weren't able to try the boat ride to Taal crater. Maybe some time if we are both rich to throw some P1500+ for that trip.

12.28.12 Adventure: Nuvali

Our first stop: Nuvali
Since it's on our way we decided to include it in itinerary. Oh the joy of seeing koy fishes! Too bad we only got limited time, if not I would want him to try bicycling! :) But anyway, we tried that intimate (special trip) boating where in we are the only two passengers for that round trip (except of course for the manongs who operated the boat--and thank goodness for them for taking pictures of us). It wasn't that fun though cos' there's nothing too special to see.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Originally posted on tumblr..

It’s the 25th of December and I am on my strong desire to update this blog regulary. So… MERRY CHRISTMAS! Aaaand, adding to our famly this year is waffle. He’s greeting you Merry Christmas too. :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ayala Triangle Gardens

It's Christmas in Ayala Triangle Gardens. One of the best place to go to during this season is Ayala Triangle where in they showcase Symphony of Lights. We were lucky to have the view of it from our office and we just pass by it everyday to and from the office.
Ayala Tower 1
Make it happen, Make it Makati

I love this postcard worthy shot!

There was a live reporting that time and Gretchen Fullido was doing it
P.s. Someone from the technical people of ABS-CBN was so highblood shouting at the security guards of Ayala Triangle. Helllooo? Why don't you get your own security people and shout at them. She's so bossy and proud and all. I was high blood too with her!

My dinner from Bfast
Our iced teas